Step out of the black and white and into a world of colour, and let the good times roll. YEAAHHH! Bring it on.

WACKY LOGIC is a fun game designed to get people to interact and share ideas and thoughts on various subjects. The game would allow your mind to break free of the shackles and roam the plains of freedom.

Irrespective of your situation or skill, WACKY LOGIC could help you obtain the best ideas and solutions in a relaxed and playful manner. Your wackiness could be brilliant and rewarding, so get your wacky on and let the good times roll.

WACKY LOGIC is available exclusively as a digital download PDF file.

It is simple! Try to be as wacky as possible. Whatever the category of the game always keep your thoughts free and flowing. Do not pay any attention to practicality and viability. The more absurd, ridiculous, nonsensical and wacky your thoughts are the more likely it would be to create and latch onto something remarkable. The way to arrive at the best suggestion is to have many suggestions.

You have a lot to offer and WACKY LOGIC affords you the opportunity to explore your potential to the point of discovering your true worth. Contrary to the norm, WACKY LOGIC encourages players to dig deep within themselves in a non-judgemental way to provide solutions. While the initial suggestions may be far-fetched to comprehend, further pondering may give light to something brilliant. You would never know if you do not try.

Whenever you feel the need for a light hearted timeout or you would like to explore potential solutions in a specific instance. It makes for great social interaction and pin pointed trouble shooting in a wacky way. It is really up to you. You can play the game alone, in a group or in teams.

YOU! Yes, YOU!

WACKY LOGIC is for you and about you. Whatever your strengths and weaknesses, WACKY LOGIC has a category for you to excel in or improve. You are an exciting individual with immense potential. Whatever your experience, occupation, education level or skill, WACKY LOGIC could help you view situations from different perspectives through a variety of suggestions and wacky ideas.

Play WACKY LOGIC anywhere. There are no playing pieces or a board. It is a PDF file so it would always be instantly accessible on your device. It is truly versatile.

Wacky Logic Game – Digital Download PDF Version

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The idea is to be as wacky as possible. In fact, the wackier the better. Don’t focus on trying to be practical or sensible. At a later stage you can hone and streamline the ideas to form a workable solution. The way to arrive at the best idea is to have many ideas. Do not fear or become overwhelmed by your lack of knowledge on a particular matter. Wacky suggestions, despite limited knowledge on the subject, could open doors to ideas that seem far-fetched or even impossible, but with further consideration it could form the basis of a revolutionary new development.
